- Written and Directed by... Matthias Kempke and Greg MacWilliam
- Screenplay... Matthias Kempke
- Producer... Greg MacWilliam
- Creator... Matthias Kempke
- Art Director / Lead Artist... Matthias Kempke
- Concept Art... Matthias Kempke, Greg MacWilliam, Sebastian Kempke
- Lead Character Artist... Sebastian Kempke
- Lead Background Painters... A.M. Sartor, John Green
- Additional Background Painters... Matthias Kempke, Greg MacWilliam
- 3D Illustration... Sebastian Kempke
- Lead Flash Animator... Matthias Kempke
- Additional Flash Animation... Greg MacWilliam, Sebastian Kempke
- Particle effects... Greg MacWilliam
- Logo Design... Greg MacWilliam, Sebastian Kempke
- The Nine Insignias... Eric Plaisted, Matthias Kempke
Voice Cast
- Directed by ... Greg MacWilliam
- Nigel Trelawney ...Travis Vander Hoop
- Nathan Mallory ...Alex Vernon
- Nora ...Sarah Olmsted Thomas
- Dr. William Coppelius ...Mark Jaster
- Henry "Slappy" LeMue-Lafayette ...Mark O'Clock
- Vincent Goodchild ...Alex Vernon
- Lowell Cain ...Paul Dockstader
- Manbreaker (Thug 1) ...Joe Price
- Rat (Thug 2) ...Jamie Gaughran-Perez
- Faker (Thug 3) ...Adam Kucharik
- Holdup (Thug 4) ...Gabe Snyder
- Martain McManus ...Mark Jaster
- Sir Thelonious Wavetamer ...Gregory Steward
- Captain Moni Amayi ...Pamela Assogba
- Juego Jacobo ...Bryan Benavides
- Forkbeard ...Ed Sacco
- Lars Stigmundson ...Tom Weaver
- Lionstone ...Don Deane
- Webb ...Mikael Davis
- Stephan Caro ...Doug Murphy
- Joseph Mandelbaum ...Richard Rieman
- Eve Mandelbaum ...Sarah Powers
- M.B. Caro ...Sandra Murphy
- Cecily Caro ...Sarah Powers
- Stig Stigmundson ...Tom Weaver
- Jeremy (Kid 1) ...Greg MacWilliam
- Toby (Kid 2) ...V Sucy
- Georgy (Kid 3) ...Kevin Robbins
- Gregory ...Greg MacWilliam
- Matthew ...Matthias Kempke
- Ed (Fisherman 1) ...Gabe Snyder
- Bill (Fisherman 2) ...V Sucy
- Anthoney Trelawney ...Travis Vander Hoop
- Professor Smith ...Richard Rieman
- Narrator ...Richard Rieman
- "A Stitch in Time Theme"... Justin R. Durban
- "Re Quest Piano Solo" (Opening credits)... Justin R. Durban
- "Sora 02" (Harbor daytime)... Justin R. Durban
- "Guitar 02, Unreleased" (Harbor nighttime)... Justin R. Durban
- "Observing Benjamin" (Castle theme)... Justin R. Durban
- "Number Two, In Memory Of" (Ravenhollow street)... Justin R. Durban
- "Step by Step" (Fishing Tune)... Justin R. Durban
- "Fiddle Faddle" (trad.) (Harbor intro)... Marien Lina
- "Must You" (Music box)... Mira Music Box (1903)
- Soundscape design... Matthias Kempke
- Sound samples... Freesound Project (see attribution list below)
- Lassie Engine Programming... Greg MacWilliam
- Game Scripting... Greg MacWilliam, Matthias Kempke
- Custom ActionScript Programming... Greg MacWilliam
- Fishing Mini-game Development... Greg MacWilliam
- Adobe® Flash™ & Adobe® AIR™... Adobe Systems, Inc.
Third-party ActionScript Libraries
- Adobe AS3 Corelib... Adobe Systems, Inc.
- Bulk Loader... Arthur Debert
- Crypto... henrit
- Tweener... Tweener OSS community
- TweenLite... Jack Doyle, GreenSock
- SoundObject... Greg MacWilliam
- Stats... mrdoob
- MathParser... Raphael Graf
Testing and Quality Assurance
- Chris Armstrong
- Tucker Bowen
- Lars Christiansen
- John Green
- Sebastian Kempke
- Adam Kucharik
- Megan Mallory
- V Sucy
Special Thanks
- Al and Merrilee MacWilliam
- Torsten and Barbara Kempke
- Freesound Project
- Creative Commons
- Audacity Development Team
- LucasArts
- Our friends and fans
Freesound Project Attributions
- 2NiD
- 3bagbrew
- 833-45
- Andrew Duke
- Anton
- Arctura
- Bansemer
- Benboncan
- Black Boe
- Corsica_S
- DJ Chronos
- DaveGould
- DrNI
- Dynamicell
- EcoDTR
- Erdie
- Experimental Illness
- FlippantMoniker
- FreqMan
- Gvido
- Halleck
- HardPCM
- Hell's Sound Guy
- HerbertBoland
- Hydrophobiciguana
- Incarnadine
- Ishpike
- Jedimichael
- Johnc
- Jon285
- Kaffein
- KidsCastTechy
- Koops
- LG
- Leady
- Legato87
- Luftrum
- Mart1001
- Martin Lightning
- Nathan_Lomeli
- NoiseCollector
- Ohrwurm
- Percy Duke
- PhreaKsAccount
- Pooleside
- RHumphries
- Radegund
- Robinhood76
- Royal
- ScaredECatPictures
- Sea Fury
- Sergenious
- Sparrer
- SpeedY
- Srehpog
- Still Frames
- SunnySideSound
- THE_bizniss
- TicTacShutUp
- Timbre
- ToddBradley
- Trautwein
- UATaudio
- UncleSigmund
- Walter_Odington
- Werra
- acclivity
- adcbicycle
- adllto
- andriala
- aquaculture
- artifact
- bass-95
- batchku
- bilwiss
- bitsmart
- buzzbox
- cajo
- cfork
- cmusounddesign
- cubic.archon
- datasoundsample
- daveincamas
- digifishmusic
- djgriffin
- dobroide
- doobit
- duckboy80
- eartrumpet
- elankford
- elonen
- eltenjohn
- eric5335
- falconbeard
- farbin
- fce
- fonogeno
- fotomacc
- fresco
- galeku
- gallagho
- gelo_papas
- genghis attenborough
- gezortenplotz
- gregswinford
- greysound
- guitarguy1985
- hello_flowers
- inchadney
- ingeos
- jackstrebor
- jppi_Stu
- junggle
- juskiddink
- kathol
- kevinkace
- koostix
- kyles
- lgarrett
- ljudman
- luffy
- man
- markgutierrez
- martypinso
- medialint
- melack
- mich3d
- mikaelfernstrom
- mikejedw
- monterey2000
- morgantj
- mystiscool
- nas1
- nednednerb
- nemoDaedalus
- nthompson
- ooohyeahh
- ottophokus
- pagancow
- patchen
- pauliep83
- pempi
- petenice
- pushtobreak
- randomroutine
- reinsamba
- rockdoctor
- roscoetoon
- rutgermuller
- sagetyrtle
- sandyrb
- sazman
- schademans
- schluppipuppie
- sebastianlund
- shall555
- shewbox
- simkiott
- simon.rue
- smokum
- someonesilly
- sonsdebarcelona
- spukkin
- tachyglossus
- terminal
- themfish
- tigersound
- timlaroche
- uair01
- volivieri
- wildweasel
- yewbic
Story, graphics, animation, and game design ©2010 Lassie Games
“What Makes You Tick?” title and intro animation ©2007 Matthias Kempke
The Lassie Engine architecture and programming ©2002-2021 Greg MacWilliam
Music tracks are used in agreement with their respective copyright holders, or else known as public domain by available records.
Sound effects are used in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Freesound Project. See sound credits for complete list of contributors.
Third-party code libraries used in agreement with their respective licenses. See credits for thrid-party code contributions.